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2019 was a rough year for me and the Livermore family as a whole. But traveling the world continued to bring me light through the darkness. I added 4 more countries to my travel log in 2019 and while these 4 new places gave me some incredible memories, I also had some pretty sacred moments in places I’ve grown up visiting.

New Year’s Eve 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa

Bringing in 2019 in a city I love so much and with the people I love so much was the absolute best way this year could have started. I will always treasure the champagne at the V & A Waterfront that I shared with Anthony just before the countdown to midnight led to fireworks over the harbour.

A Picnic on the Roof of Africa in The Simien Mountains of Ethiopia

Ethiopia was a trip full of new, epic experiences but this picnic stands out to me as being a favorite. Away from all of the craziness of our own separate realities, my family and I sat on a peak in the mountains with views of seemingly never-ending mountains in every direction. It was magical.

5 Months Living in Cape Town, South Africa

Living in Cape Town couldn’t have been more different than my experience as a study abroad student there! Check out my travel reflections piece for more details on that. I went straight from my last university exam to LAX to start this adventure and it forced me out of my comfort zone and immediately into this new chapter of life that I’m calling a “gap year.” Even having been familiar with the culture and city, this trip challenged me and helped me grow in ways I never expected. Cape Town will forever have a piece of me.

The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland 

Ireland was a rough trip. (For details on that either read this post or check out our travel vlog.) The last day I remember being a really good day on this trip was actually only our 2nd or 3rd day in Ireland, but it was the day we went to see the Cliffs of Moher. There are certain places in the world (Victoria Falls, the Taj Mahal, and the Simien Mountains to name a few) that I know in my heart I’m experiencing something sacred by soaking in the beauty in-person with my own eyes. Cliffs of Moher was like that. Even through crowds of tourists and the rain, it was breathtaking.

Climbing Empire Bluff in Northern Michigan, USA

I have been climbing Empire Bluff (a massive sand dune) for years! I grew up doing this climb at least once a summer and I still find it amazing. I think it’s extra special because a lot of people are unaware of the incredible beaches and nature that are tucked away in Michigan. Even with the other tourists at the bluff I always feel like it’s some special secret. A short trail takes you from a parking lot to the top of the bluff where you are greeted with a huge warning sign about how it can take 2 hours to climb up the dune if you dare to go down to the water (although it usually takes me around 20 min). I love racing down the steep slope towards Lake Michigan as voices of nervous parents fade behind me and this year was no different - definitely a highlight.

Waking up to the sound of waves crashing in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 

If you have seen my Puerto Vallarta travel vlog, then you know the beautiful Airbnb we got to enjoy while celebrating Thanksgiving in Mexico. Spending mornings in this beautiful space before venturing to the energized Zona Romántica was a major highlight for me. Waking up to such beautiful views and sounds gave me such a centered peace and spirit before really jumping into the day.

Exploring the Mekong Delta in Vietnam 

Vietnam was my last trip of 2019 and it was pretty spectacular. I have blog posts and vlogs specific to this trip that are in the works now and I’m excited to share them very soon. For now, I just have to mention the river. My family’s first 2 days in Vietnam were spent on a boat cruising the Mekong River. We really didn’t know what to expect going into it but it turned out to be the best way to start the trip. We made various excursions to temples, factories, and even a floating market. And in-between stops we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and helpful facts from our tour guide. I tried to capture as much as I could from these 2 days for the travel vlog so look out for that. I’ll link it here once it’s up.

So despite the rough spots throughout 2019, travel continually brought me joy and energy just like it always has. 2020 began in Vietnam and I of course already have some trips in mind for the coming year. There are only 6.5 more months in my “gap year” and I’m determined to make the most of them. 

Things I Learned on the Mekong River

Things I Learned on the Mekong River

Must Have Travel Apps

Must Have Travel Apps